Hickson 68 in Canes Venatici

This group of 5 galaxies is around 100 million lightyears distant and unusually consists entirely of NCG objects.
NGC 5350 is the barred spiral towards the top of the image, while the two interacting galaxies below are NGC 5353 (lenticular) and NGC 5354 (elliptical). Both NGC 5350 and NGC 5353 have an apparent size of approximately 3 arcminutes.
Nothing in this image iis visible to the naked eye, the brightest object being the K5 orange star towards the right, shining at magnitude 6.5.

This image is the result of 3.5h of data capture, over 3 evenings in April 2020.

ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera through an 8-inch Teleskop-Service Ritchey-Chretien relfector.

Date: 26/04/2020

Photographer: Graham Wilcock