Modified Canon 1100D with Olympus 85mm OM Zuiko F2 lens, with Hutech IDAS-LPS-V4 narrowband nebula filter.
A total of 12 x 5 min exposures at ISO 1600 and F4.
This camera/lens combination covers an estimated 10 x 15 degrees, with North to the left.
Deneb (mag 1.25) is at the left side of frame, with NGC 7000 North America Nebula below it and the Pelican Nebula (also known as IC 5070 and IC 5067) between.
The dark area to the right of Deneb is the Cygnus Rift or Northern Coalsack.
Sadr (Gamma Cygni; mag 2.32) is halfway down the upper edge of frame.
- The brightest nebulosity to below Sadr is IC 1318
- The little crescent-shaped nebula approx 2 degrees to the SW of Sadr (to the right of the centre top frame edge) is NGC 6888, or more appropriately, the Crescent Nebula. It formed when a hot giant star blew off its outer layers.
Date: 23/06/2015