Modified Canon 450D with Olympus Zuiko 85mm OM lens at F4, with Castell UHC Deepsky filter.
A total of 17 x 5 min exposures at ISO 800.
The FOV is approx 10 x 15 degrees, with North towards the left.
It covers the southern parts of Cepheus, from Alderamin (Alpha Cephei) shining bright at top left, across to northern Cygnus at the right of frame.
The 3-degree wide nebula is left of centre, with Mu Cephei (Herschel's Garnet Star) just within the nebula's northern boundary.
The brighter parts of the faint Flying Bat Nebula (Sharpless Sh2-129) can be seen to the upper left of IC 1396 and to the right of Alderamin.
The Milky Way flows through the whole region form Cygnus to Cepheus, as shown by the zillion (technical term) stars, interspersed with dark nebulae.
Date: 02/10/2015