Modified Canon 1100D through an Altair Astro Starwave 102mm ED refractor with 0.8x Focal Reducer/Field Flattener
A total of 9 x 5 min exposures at ISO 800.
North is to the top.
The structure of the barred spiral M95 to the bottom right of the frame (mag 9.7) can clearly be seen.
Spiral M96 is to the left of M95 (mag 9.3)
There are 3 other galaxies in frame, to the upper left. The elliptical on the right is M105 (mag 9.3), while the elliptical galaxy to the upper left of M105 is NGC 3384 (mag 10.9).
The third galaxy to the lower left of them both is the spiral NGC 3373 (mag 11.8).
Date: 07/05/2016