NGC 55 is a Magellanic-type spiral galaxy around 6.5 million lightyears distant and approx 60,000 lightyears in diameter. It is therefore an irregular galaxy with the remains of a single spiral arm, seen almost edge-on.
It shows evidence of a high rate of star formation, as shown by the presence of red hydrogen emission nebulae.
Being so close, it sits between our Local Group of galaxies and the neighbouring Sculptor group. Its apparent diameter in the sky is the same as that of the full moon.
This LRGBHa image is the result of 2h of remote data capture from New South Wales over four evenings in October and November 2021, using a 20-inch Planewave CDK reflector and FLI-PL09000 CCD camera.
Date: 19/11/2021
Photographer: Graham Wilcock