The dwarf planet Makemake was only discovered in 2005.
This is an image showing the movement of Makemake from 10-13th April 2020 inclusive. I captured data for around 1h each evening and the faintest object recorded was a galaxy at Mag 19.
Makemake is currently approaching aphelion at around 52 AU out from the sun, shining at Mag 17.2 - so almost as faint as it gets.
Makemake is around two-thirds the size of Pluto and around a fifth as bright. Standing on it's surface, the light level would be less than 1/2500 of that on Earth - not enough for the human eyes to detect any colour in the landscape. A surface temperature of only 40 degrees above absolute zero would not add to it's attractiveness.
ZWO ASI294MC Pro through an 8-inch Teleskop-Service Ritchey-Chretien telescope.
Date: 13/04/2020
Photographer: Graham Wilcock